Monday, April 11, 2022

 Thrift Shop - Wikipedia

What’s up y’all! Now we are to the music I listened to growing up! These songs are so fun for me to listen to. The song I picked this week is Thrift Shop by Mackelmore and Lewis.  I love this song; I have learned all of the words because it is such a fun song to sing too and rap with. It is a great song to listen to driving in the car with all your friends and you all just start belting this song and having a blast just jamming out and being crazy! This is also such a fun song when DJ’s turn it on at dances and everyone just goes crazy! This song isn’t necessarily the best song, meaning there is some language that kids shouldn’t listen to so if that’s your purpose find the clean version. Mackelmore has a lot of other fun songs like Can’t Hold Us which is great for dances because everyone puts their hands in the air and have a heck of a good time. Mackelmore is a great artist and does a really good job of keeping you entertained during the whole song which makes him and even better artist in my eyes.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Redneck Woman - song by Gretchen Wilson | Spotify

What’s up!! This week I did my blog on Redneck Woman by Gretchen Wilson. I love this song I know all of the words and sing along so loud every time it plays. I listen to a lot of Gretchen Wilson I think she is a great artist and has a very country sound to her music which I think is great. Especially because right now there are a lot of artists that have become less and less country, which is fine, but it is nice to have what we think of as country music, with some twang what makes people country. I think she does a really good job at making this song visual everything she talks about in this song you can totally picture, and it makes you smile because it definitely reminds you of a redneck. Besides the words this song has such a great beat to it, it is such a fun song there is never a part in this song that isn’t interesting in some way. If you couldn’t tell this is definitely more my style of music, I listen to all genres of music, but country is my go to, you can never go wrong with it.

  What’s up y’all! Now we are to the music I listened to growing up! These songs are so fun for me to listen to. The song I picked this week...